Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Yesterday I was spending some time with my kids and talking about the upcoming school year and how at the end of August the hubby is taking some time off from work so we can get some much needed clearing out done around here.  Then it hit me... a week off.  YIKES!  I had not planned for that week off.  I hadn't thought about it, to be perfectly honest.  So, I grabbed a pencil and my calendar.  Yep, a wrench was thrown directly into my plans.  In order to take the breaks that I have planned we would have to gain a week somewhere.  I decided that it would be best to add the week on to the first of the year instead of trying to come up with it at the end. That means we will be starting school NEXT MONDAY not in 2 weeks.  YIKES!!!  Then another realization - I wasn't ready!!!  UH OH!!!  I decided late last week that the history curriculum I purchased just isn't going to fit into my teaching style or my children's learning style and that we should ditch it.  I had been glancing here and there and hadn't settled on anything to use until today!  YAY!!! (More on that another day!)  I also had hopes of finding a unit study or lapbook for S to start out the new school year with.  She chose Rabbits.  Do you know just how few Rabbit (not Peter Rabbit or Rabbit Hill) units there are out there.  Well, there are not many.  I finally decided on one for her to use from Hands of a Child.  I got it purchased today and will be working feverishly to get it ready and mapped out for her to use come Monday.  You see, I am still very new to this and I am not a very organized person by nature.  I have the best of intentions.  Thankfully I work very well under pressure so I am finding myself getting quite a bit accomplished the last 24 hours in preparation for next week.  I still have lots to do but I have faith that it will all fall into place.  

Now, excuse me while I go gather up some of my sanity that I have scattered about the house and take a shower and prepare to do much of the same again tomorrow!

In Him,

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