Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Honestly, I never intended to ever homeschool my children.  I didn't think I could do it.  I thought I would have to get up at 6am each day, sit them down at a desk and hover over them for hours on end.  I knew that was not at all something I wanted to do.  What I do want to do is be with my children.  Enjoy them everyday.  I want to watch them discover new things and learn how things work.  I want to see their eyes light up when they realize they "CAN" do whatever it may be that they "thought" they could never achieve.  God put homeschooling on my heart, HEAVY on my heart.  I resisted.  I almost pleaded with him to help me send them to public school.  The more reasons why to send them to public school, the more reasons to homeschool them showed up.  I mentioned it to my husband who was 100% on board even when I was still riding the fence.  So I prayed.  I prayed a LOT!  With each day my fears turned to excitement.  I started surfing the web for blogs that other homeschool moms write.  I found a wealth of information.  Some fun and educational things that I could do with my kids.  I started seeing that homeschooling my children did NOT mean that we were to be stuck in the house 8 hours a day behind a desk drudging through school work. On the contrary we only spend about 2 hours doing "school work" during the day.  The rest of the day we learn through doing.  Granted we are only about 6 weeks into our first year but this has been an amazing experiance so far.  It has proven to be exactly what the kids and I needed.  I get to be Mom first and teacher second.  I get to love on my babies all day long and show them the world.  I love this journey and plan to be on it so long as God sees fit.  If you are struggling with the idea of homeschooling ask yourself one question... Why not?  If you can't, God can.  If you wont, God will.  You have all the support you need in God.  Lean on him and he will show you the path you need to take!

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