Friday, September 7, 2012

Week 5 - Or is it week 4?

This is technically our 4th week of work but our 5th week into our school year.  We took last week off to spend time with Daddy while he was off of work.  It was a nice break.  We also took Monday of this week off to celebrate Labor Day.  This week we started our new Morning Meeting with The Dig for Kids - Bible Study, Our Read Aloud - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, calendar {blog post in the works} and silly dance time.  The Morning Meeting is one of our favorite parts of the day.

S's progress-
Handwriting: We are using various forms of copywork for handwriting.  She is using Respect Copywork from Knowledge Box Central and a couple of Draw, Write, Now books that she chooses from.  Her handwriting is improving.  I am going to have her start with the monthly Bible verse next week.  I will require she takes her time and does her best handwriting.

Math: We are continuing with Math Mammoth and she loves it!  Last year she was introduced to adding on a number line but it never really clicked.  Yesterday she "got it".  I LOVE getting to see those connections happen for my children.

Reading: She is reading the Level 1 All About Spelling Reader Run, Bug, Run! and LOVES it!!!  Honestly, I have to make her stop reading the stories during the day.  She giggles and gets a kick out of these stories.  It is so nice to finally see her enjoy her reading.

Spelling: She is currently on lesson 11 of All About Spelling Level 1.  She is flying through with amazing speed.  I have a feeling we will be into level 2 before school is out for the year. This is a very solid spelling program and I highly recommend it for anyone who is struggling to teach spelling or phonics.

N's Progress-
Reading: He is continuing with The Reading Lesson very slowly but showing signs of progress.  Yesterday he brought it to me and asked to read some more.  He read the words cat, sat, and cot.  It made my heart smile.

Math: He really likes his new math curriculum from K12.  I bought it from CBD on a whim and I am so glad I did.

Handwriting: He writes random words here and there but doesn't seem to enjoy it.  :)

FAMILY NIGHT: This is my favorite night of all!  We decorated cupcakes together.  It was loads of fun and laughter around our table.  *Sweet Memories* for sure.  Daddy made a fish cupcake, N made one with loads of icing and S made her with lots of pink sprinkles.  I made mine with simple dots of color to create a flower look! :)

Art: This was our first week and I am thrilled to be starting this new venture with the kiddos.  My mother is quiet the painter, as is my father-in-law.  They get their knack for art honestly, though it isn't inherited from me!  This week we learned the primary colors {red, yellow, and blue for those of you not in the know} and our secondary colors {orange, green, and purple} and made color wheels to go along with them.  It was fun to watch them mix dabs of colors to create the secondary colors before adding them to the color wheel.  Sarah couldn't believe that pink isn't really a color but it is a shade of a color.  I think it will take some coaxing before she believes me. ;)

Science: We continued on with Zoology 3 this week ending chapter 1.  I am still unsure of this for us but I am not a quitter so we will keep on keeping on until we either hit a wall or we sail on through!

History: It was a short week so we really didn't get any history done at all.

I am still very excited about our new school year.  We have met new friends and are learning lots of new things without it seeming like drudgery.  We do have some behavior issues that need to be worked on {got any suggestions?!} and we need to work on focus, but they are 5 & 6 so I am sure those things will improve with age.  I am trying to pray for them and their attention and focus daily.  Please join me in that prayer.

How did you spend your week?

1 comment:

  1. You're doing great, Steph!!! I'm glad you're having so much fun. :=)
