Thursday, October 11, 2012

All About Spelling

WOW is all I can say.  We are in the last few lessons of AAS Level 1 by All About Learning Press.  I cannot believe just how quickly S is grasping the concepts and moving forward.  We have spent this week reviewing all of the Key Cards (the blue cards) and the Word Cards (the green cards).  We will wrap it all up next week and then our Level 2 kit will arrive!!!  I am very excited about this program.  It isn't just a "here is the word, memorize and spell it" kind of program, instead it teaches the rules.  It gives a foundation on which words are spelled so that she learns not only to spell the list that is given to her but why she is spelling those words and how to spell more words with the same rule.  Even I am learning how and why we spell words the way we do!

Now, I will admit, there were a few weeks where I thought that we had made a huge mistake purchasing this.  S was learning the rules, she was learning how to spell the words given, but getting her to do her spelling was like pulling teeth.  She doesn't like the letter tiles.  Actually, I think it is more that she hates the letter tiles.  I contacted Marie Ripple, the woman who wrote the program, and she told me not to make her use them. Instead she suggested that I use them on the board so she can see how the tiles go together and she will make the connection that way.  She suggested we use a dry erase board for her to write her words on and move on.  Friends, that was life changing advice!  Now S loves spelling.  We can get through a step in no time and she looks forward to it!

If  you are looking for a spelling program for your children, let me say without a doubt, you cannot go wrong with this program.

You can find this post linked up at What Works Wednesdays over on Upside Down Homeschooling.

**Some links are for affiliates.**


  1. Hi - from another Stef! We have used AAS for years now (my 4th grader) loves it! It's a great curriculum!!

    1. I love it too. At first I was so stressed out about it because S hated the letter tiles. I was honestly ready to package it up and send it back. I am so glad I didn't.

  2. I just found AAS this summer and love it too. We did level one this summer and are on level 2 and still loving it.

    1. I am excited to start Level 2 next week. What grade are your kiddos in?
